Monday, February 15, 2010

Love Day

My love day was fantastic. How was yours?

the morning started off sweet... flowers for me and our little B. heart shaped pancakes made by chef Scott.

then Scott and I escaped for some alone time and, wait, what does that say?

Oh Scotty.

Oh yeah.

Then, as if that wasn't enough Scotty surprised us and took us to Sea World with our new passes! (please notice the new necklace in the last pic)

Then we would up back home and Scott and B opened up their gifts.


Jillian said...

So cute!!!!!!!!!! And love u guys so much!!!!

MrMrsJones said...

You look like had quite a charming Valentine's day! :) Isn't love grand?!?!

I am taking a trip to CA to expand my photography portfolio and am looking for models. Are you interested in having complimentary portraits taken of you, your daughter, or your family? Do you have any friends/family who might be interested in the same offer? I am making appointments for Wednesday 3/24, Thursday 3/25, and Friday 3/26. You can look at my galleries at and contact me at

It would be fun to catch up!!


Dana J. said...

So sweet.. you two are the cutest! :)