Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life Lately...

Has been a little overwhelming. Hence the no blogging. A quick rundown before I have to go...
-Scott played in his baseball alumni game for high school and shattered his leg in 9 places, he has been bedridden and drugged up.
-Little B has had a double ear infection and has been crying if I set her down for at even one second.
-Scott's brother borrowed his car and crashed it.
-We received a ticket in the mail of Scott running a red light. (not a big deal but annoying nonetheless)
and (drumroll please)
-my parents house burned down and they have moved in with us until it is repaired. - and though I have always had dreams of communal living, these aren't the conditions I imagined it under.
Please keep us in your prayers life at the Cheo's has been a little insane. I know God's up to something, just not really sure what.