Sunday, April 26, 2009

Go Angels!!

On Sat night our friends Randy and Melissa treated us to an Angels game in the boxed seats. Scott got to the game early to talk with his old baseball pal, Rob Johnson who now plays for the Seattle Mariners. Rob was there the night that Scott and I met and realized we were in love (yes they happened the same night!!! we said it two days later on our first date). All in all it was a perfect night. It was the Sprinkles first baseball game and she had a blast. Everyone kept telling us how cute she looked with her little baseball shirt and jean skirt on. It got a little chilly though so towards the end of the night her and I both cuddled inside our man's sweatshirt. Always the gentleman. We have been hanging out with Randy and Melissa a lot lately, and we have such a blast with them! Scott and Randy always joke that we all "complete" each other. Melissa and I think that they have a bromance.
the whole crew in our suite

Melissa caught us!!

look at little B in this one!

our cute fam

us girls in our Angel red

Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Months Old!!

Our little Sprinkle is six months old as of the 21st. I can't believe how fast the time has gone!! I feel like I was just pregnant yesterday! Some stats for you- she is 26 1/2 inches long- 75%, 14.2 lbs- 20% (poor thing). She is so sweet. She LOVES to be outside, play in the water, and play with the dogs. She laughs hysterically at peek a boo, Little Einstein videos, and being surprised. She generally sleeps from about 9 pm until 6:30 in the morning (don't get too jealous, this was only a recent thing) she is extremely shy and will smile at people when they stop us in grocery stores, and then generally hide her face on my chest or on my shoulder. She cries or pouts when entering a room with large groups of people. She has her two bottom teeth all of the way in and she is breaking two more through. She loves music and will sing with us and try to dance as well. She is scooting on the carpet, not very far though, and she rolls all around like a rollie pollie. (p.s. I spelled rollie pollie 5 different ways just now before deciding on this spelling and I still think it's incorrect) She is such a mommy girl and we spend our mornings cuddling and reading together. She gets very excited when dad comes home from work. All around we couldn't imagine our life without this sweetie. Above are some pictures I took of her today. Notice she still has her blue eyes despite Scott and my brown ones. They are SOOO blue I think they are for sure staying!!

It's Britney, B@#$%

For my birthday, the besties (tiff, jen, megs) bought us tickets to go see my girl Spears at the Honda Center. We have been in eager anticipation for this event since my birthday on Jan 1st. (for future reference and gifts) My girl did not disappoint. Her show was awesome. It was such a production, and we had so much fun. (please see photos below) When I reenacted the show to Scott later that night he also agreed it was a great show. I know that Brit Brit has had her ups and downs, and many were skeptical of a comeback. I assure you dear, faithful readers, that she is back and better than ever!

Sun Worshippers

Luckily my little B loves the sun as much as I do. We spent a couple days last week in the pool and at the beach. She LOVED the pool. She kicked and laughed and screamed and splashed water in her own face. I am so glad. I can't tell you how worried I was that she might end up like my sister, Jill. When we were kids Jill would grab a coke and sit under the umbrella with her soda and a bag of chips while I swam in the pool. Come to think of it, not much has changed!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night!

all of us girls minus 2

some of the gifts and the blessing basket

me and my sis

some of the girls pigging out!

the food

how I found Cheo and B at the end of the night

Last week I decided it was time for the girls in my young adult group at church to get to know each other. I sent out invites and had them all over for an evening of getting to know each other. It turned out to be one of the best nights ever! Everyone came over to my house about 7 pm and people were still over after 1am!! I made a bunch of tapas including bruschetta, salad with homemade dressing, baked brie, better than sex brownies (whoever invented that name, well... I won't finish this sentence) and a bunch of other foods that I know that girls love! They arrived at my house and we played a starter game, where everyone gets a name on their back and they can only ask yes or no questions to try and figure out who it is. We made life maps which are too complicated to explain and had a lovely gift exchange. When they left I encouraged them all to take a "blessing" with them. This was a Bible verse that I prayed would be specifically for them. All in all it was a perfect night.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Being a Mom is Embarrassing Pt. 1

The other night we were out to dinner with some friends at a restaurant that is VERY locally. The tables are close together, it's a little noisy, etc. Brinkley started to fuss a little bit and so I decided to stand with her next to the table and do the "mom bounce" to keep her quiet. I am bouncing and talking to our friends and not paying attention when all of the sudden I notice people in the restaurant covering their mouths and smiling and talking to each other behind their hands. I look down and notice that my little Sprinkle has taken a hold of the lady's hair at the table next to us and was proceeding to rip it out. I know what you're thinking, not so bad right? Well unfortunately this lady was clearly a 40 year old desperate housewife because she was wearing FAKE HAIR. Brinkley was ripping out her FAKE HAIR. What can I say, my kid knows how to spot a bad weave.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

searching for her basket

opening the basket

ready for church

My mom, sister, B and I

our sweet little family

sitting with mommy outside lunch

This year Easter was very special for us because we were able to spend it with our little easter egg, Brinkley. Scott and I always get baskets for each other and then hide them around the house. Every year, I am the first to find my basket. Every year Scott can't find his because I'm just too dang good at hiding it. B obviously is too young to search for hers alone, so Scott helped her. This year in my Easter basket, Scott put magazine subscriptions, Cadbury eggs (the best candies in the world) and finally... TICKETS TO SEE U2 IN OCTOBER!!!! I cannot wait. I am so excited. I gave Scott sunglasses, his favorite cookies, magazines, energy drinks and other fun trinkets. Brinkley's basket ranneth over with a bathing suit, clothes, toys, etc. Not to mention the tea set that was fedexed from my Aunt Kathy and the outfit my mom got her. Perhaps my favorite part of the day was our little family all dressed up for church. B wore a lovely gown in lavender and turquoise, I wore a turquoise dress and Scott wore a lavender tie. We were a vision. We went to church with my family and then met Scott's family for lunch. We then came home and Scott made us a yummy soup. It may have been the best Easter ever.

He "picked" ME

Last Thursday my amazing husband watched our little B so I could have a night off and go out with the girls. My friends TIff and Jen and I went to a Gavin Degraw concert. In case you were wondering, Gavin sings some pretty sweet songs and is pretty talented. He played a very small venue and us girls managed to be in the front row, right up against the stage. At the end of his set, he handed ME his guitar pick. Thank you Gavin, I'll be keeping this for B so I can fool her into thinking her mom was cool once.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Two Teeth

Brinkley has her two bottom teeth- all of the way in. She got them through about 3 weeks ago right before she was 5 months. Now they are in full ... bloom? Anyways, needless to say it freaks me out to think of how big she is getting. I don't know what made me feel nostalgic about it today, but I just can't believe my little Sprinkle is growing up so fast.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scrapbooking is Becoming Overwhelming

I have always loved to scrapbook. Let me actually correct myself. I love going to Michaels and different paper stores and BUYING scrapbook stuff. (remember my love of paper goods from earlier posts?) Anyhow, I have been printing out pictures to begin B's scrapbook and am realizing what a cumbersome task it is becoming. Especially when the love insists on taking photos of his girls every time we leave the house. But then I feel like I need to print those out because she is wearing cute outfits in them. These were taken last weekend. On our way to a wedding, before dinner at our local fave, Sonny's with our two buddies Randy and Melissa and on our way to go visit my grandparents who are in town. Of course you would never know this because they are all of just two people. Scott's girls.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today, I have become my Mother.

While looking at the month of May in my cute planner, I called out to Scott, "You know what I REALLY want for Mother's Day? A clean house."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A recent Photo taken of the Cheo family

This photo was taken of us at a wedding this past weekend and has ended up on many a facebook. I think it describes our family perfectly. They always say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

First foods!

I have been doing a lot of reading and have made the decision to make all of Brinkley's food. My girlie Christine gave me a Beaba from Williams Sonoma and it works like a dream. I was trying to hold off on food for as long as possible but when Miss B shoved her hand in Scott's spaghetti last week and put a fistful of noodles into her mouth, I figured she was ready. We started off her cuisine with some organic brown rice cereal a la carte. As you can see she thoroughly enjoyed it.