Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life Lately...

Has been a little overwhelming. Hence the no blogging. A quick rundown before I have to go...
-Scott played in his baseball alumni game for high school and shattered his leg in 9 places, he has been bedridden and drugged up.
-Little B has had a double ear infection and has been crying if I set her down for at even one second.
-Scott's brother borrowed his car and crashed it.
-We received a ticket in the mail of Scott running a red light. (not a big deal but annoying nonetheless)
and (drumroll please)
-my parents house burned down and they have moved in with us until it is repaired. - and though I have always had dreams of communal living, these aren't the conditions I imagined it under.
Please keep us in your prayers life at the Cheo's has been a little insane. I know God's up to something, just not really sure what.


Kari said...

Katelyn!!! My gosh! I am so sorry to hear about all these incredibly tough things! I have been thinking of you lately. Maybe God was putting you on my mind for a reason. Prayers are being said!

Dan and Sarah said...

Oh we have been praying for you guys like crazy!!! Hang in there. Didn't know your parents were staying with you. That is a lot (I know firsthand!!).

Wish we were closer and I could come help out.

But know that we're praying!!

Jessica said...

Wow. That's quite a list. I hope everything works out. It sounds like you have a good attitude given the circumstances so I'm sure you'll learn something from everything.

We'll be praying for you.

Cathi said...

Oh my gosh! That is truly chaos. Please let me know if you need anything- a babysitter, meals- whatever. Praying for you in the meantime.

Heather H. said...

So sorry!!
You'll get through it of course!! I will await updates of happier times but will keep you in my prayers too :)

MrMrsJones said...

May God's peace and healing and blessing be with you. Every morning renewed. And then remembered all day long. *saying a prayer for you and your family*

Since we last talked my sister (Heather) was diagnosed with cancer. I have turned Wednesday/Thursday of my CA trip into family days instead of photography days. With what life has recently handed you, I am SURE you understand.

Dana J. said...

Katelyn... Scott, Jeez! That is too much to deal with all at once! You're an angel for taking in your parents, nursing your husband to health, being a great mom & keeping your sanity! That's a real testament to who you are as a person.

You & your family are in our prayers... always!!!

Unknown said...

Just came across your blog, sad about the last post :( but I just wanted to say that you have a cute daughter, family and lovely blog!

Hippo Brigade said...

okay all that is super sucky, but yay and congrats on the pregnancy!!

smithsk83 said...

Wow, that sounds terrible. As a mother with a young child, my husband injured himeslf twice last year. It's a lot to handle all by yourself. I don't know how single parents stay sane. Good luck and I hope things are looking better!