Thursday, January 24, 2008

It might be a quarter life crisis

For my 25th birthday, my amazing husband really outdid himself. Since my birthday is on January 1st, he threw me a RAGING party on New Year's Eve. He rented out a clubhouse, sound system and even choreographed an adoreable dance for the evening with all of our special songs in it and had background dancers (his brothers of course). The evening was so perfect, all of my closest friends were there and it was an absolute blast.


Chelsea Maureen said...

Katelyn, that looks like such a fun party! Way to go, Scott! Sorry Robby couldn't be there to be a backup dancer. :) Happy belated birthday and New Year! And thanks for the book suggestion...I'll have to check it out. We miss you guys out here in the cold Midwest!
Love, Chels

Jessica said...

Katelyn, you look so good! You are so beautiful! Happy belated birthday..and I'm glad you had a great party!