Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Been a Long Time

Hi Friends-
I have had a transformation. The Lord has truly brought me over to the other side. Though so much time has passed between my last post and this one, I can assure you that I have truly been seeking His will, His desires, and feel as though I have some direction and motivation to keep this blog going. I have learned SO MUCH in the past 6 months and am so excited to share it all with you, my blogging friends. The first of which is why God has called me to have this blog. I wholeheartedly have sought Him on this topic and feel as though He has a plan for it. Maybe just for me to be an encouragement to other women like me who are just trying to figure this thing called life out. Though how sweet it is to know that the Lord is the one who is directing my steps. It is so interesting to me that we all enjoy painting a picture of the way we feel our lives "ought" to be. And we become obsessed with living up to this ideal. Our marriage must look like this, or our children must have these specific talents, or behave in this particular manner. But life never works out this way, does it?

Isaiah 55:8
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

And although initially as a younger, more immature Christian, I would have thought to myself "Darnit!!! Why can't God just do things MY WAY?!" I feel like there have been several situations where I can now look back and I think "PRAISE GOD that I didn't get what I wanted." I would have made a royal mess of my life by now, amen? He seems to know exactly what it is that we need, when we need it. So hallelujah that He has the master plan.

Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

Lately, I've been so struck with this verse, because God has really shown me that although we have our desires, and our plans, life is ultimately not in our control. It reminds me of the ocean. Though we can predict high tide and low, and we enjoy playing in the water, or surfing, we ultimately cannot overpower the waves. And if the Lord MADE the waves, then why do we try to overpower His plans?

We may as well just enjoy the gifts He has given us, and likewise be a gift to others as well.

Sooooooooo, (drumroll please) this blog is now dedicated to all of you. Wives, moms, sisters in Christ. I hope this blog is real, a real depiction of my life as I try to follow Christ and live out all of these roles that God has called me to in this life of mine. I hope to provide some solace to you if you feel you are going it alone, and some inspiration to you, if you feel you have reached the end of your own. But mostly, I hope that this blog will be about a journey, and it will follow me as I follow Him. xoxo-KK


abbie said...

Stumbled across your blog today, and am so glad I did! This post was exactly what I needed to hear today and I look forward to your future posts.

- Abigail