Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baking Day

The finished product- ready to get rid of before I eat them!!

The ladies- photo courtesy of Scott (please excuse the sweatpants and exhaustion- baking is hard work!!)

Tradition! Tradition!! (music interlude) Tradition!! In case you were wondering, that was a little diddy from one of my favorite musicals, Fiddler on the Roof. Every year, two of my besties, Jenna and Megan come over and pretend to be Martha Stewart. I pretend to be Giada. ( I would have picked the Barefoot Contessa, but Giada is way hotter). Anyways, we each pick a recipe and we make a few different kinds of holiday treats to give to our beloved families and friends. It's also an excuse for us to eat yummy soup and drink wine, and have good conversation. But yeah, I guess the giving away of the cookies is a good reason as well:)


Heather H. said...

Hi Katelyn!
I know, I am not a good blogger, sorry. Thanks for the push-I am planning on Golden Spoon between Christmas and New Year's if that works for you guys, can't wait to see you and meet that cute baby girl!

Heather H. said...

I forgot to mention, great posts on your part-I'd pick Giada too!

Jillian said...

I love ur guys' baking day cause I get to eat the product of it so it works out well for everyone, and they were so good! Well the ONE that I got was good because they were like all gone, lame! But it looks like u guys had fun KK!