Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scrapbooking is Becoming Overwhelming

I have always loved to scrapbook. Let me actually correct myself. I love going to Michaels and different paper stores and BUYING scrapbook stuff. (remember my love of paper goods from earlier posts?) Anyhow, I have been printing out pictures to begin B's scrapbook and am realizing what a cumbersome task it is becoming. Especially when the love insists on taking photos of his girls every time we leave the house. But then I feel like I need to print those out because she is wearing cute outfits in them. These were taken last weekend. On our way to a wedding, before dinner at our local fave, Sonny's with our two buddies Randy and Melissa and on our way to go visit my grandparents who are in town. Of course you would never know this because they are all of just two people. Scott's girls.


Dana J. said...

YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!! And I'm not sure how it's possible... But little Brinkley just keeps getting more & more gorgeous!!! I miss my Cheo's!!!