Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

searching for her basket

opening the basket

ready for church

My mom, sister, B and I

our sweet little family

sitting with mommy outside lunch

This year Easter was very special for us because we were able to spend it with our little easter egg, Brinkley. Scott and I always get baskets for each other and then hide them around the house. Every year, I am the first to find my basket. Every year Scott can't find his because I'm just too dang good at hiding it. B obviously is too young to search for hers alone, so Scott helped her. This year in my Easter basket, Scott put magazine subscriptions, Cadbury eggs (the best candies in the world) and finally... TICKETS TO SEE U2 IN OCTOBER!!!! I cannot wait. I am so excited. I gave Scott sunglasses, his favorite cookies, magazines, energy drinks and other fun trinkets. Brinkley's basket ranneth over with a bathing suit, clothes, toys, etc. Not to mention the tea set that was fedexed from my Aunt Kathy and the outfit my mom got her. Perhaps my favorite part of the day was our little family all dressed up for church. B wore a lovely gown in lavender and turquoise, I wore a turquoise dress and Scott wore a lavender tie. We were a vision. We went to church with my family and then met Scott's family for lunch. We then came home and Scott made us a yummy soup. It may have been the best Easter ever.


Jessica said...

You guys look great! Brinkley is getting big and looks so much like your husband.

I wish we lived closer so we could catch up!

PJ and Julie said...

you'll find Teddy in the Mitchell's attic. You better believe they kept all of PJ's baby clothes and toys! It was so crazy to hear one again after 20 some odd years!!

Adorable family pictures...your hair looks so cute!