Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sun Worshippers

Luckily my little B loves the sun as much as I do. We spent a couple days last week in the pool and at the beach. She LOVED the pool. She kicked and laughed and screamed and splashed water in her own face. I am so glad. I can't tell you how worried I was that she might end up like my sister, Jill. When we were kids Jill would grab a coke and sit under the umbrella with her soda and a bag of chips while I swam in the pool. Come to think of it, not much has changed!


Jessica said...

How on earth do you look like that in a bikini just months after having a baby? Teach me.

Dana J. said...

CUTE!!! She's a water girl like my baby! What a blessing! Thank God the sun is back out & we can finally get our tans again!!! :) You both look adorable!