Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night!

all of us girls minus 2

some of the gifts and the blessing basket

me and my sis

some of the girls pigging out!

the food

how I found Cheo and B at the end of the night

Last week I decided it was time for the girls in my young adult group at church to get to know each other. I sent out invites and had them all over for an evening of getting to know each other. It turned out to be one of the best nights ever! Everyone came over to my house about 7 pm and people were still over after 1am!! I made a bunch of tapas including bruschetta, salad with homemade dressing, baked brie, better than sex brownies (whoever invented that name, well... I won't finish this sentence) and a bunch of other foods that I know that girls love! They arrived at my house and we played a starter game, where everyone gets a name on their back and they can only ask yes or no questions to try and figure out who it is. We made life maps which are too complicated to explain and had a lovely gift exchange. When they left I encouraged them all to take a "blessing" with them. This was a Bible verse that I prayed would be specifically for them. All in all it was a perfect night.


Dana J. said...

You're so creative!! That sounds like such a wonderful evening... I LOVE the picture of Scott & Brinkley at the end of the night, that is too precious for words!

Suzy said...

so fun! I wish I could have been there, I love the idea, and hopefully there will be another one later :)