Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Months Old!!

Our little Sprinkle is six months old as of the 21st. I can't believe how fast the time has gone!! I feel like I was just pregnant yesterday! Some stats for you- she is 26 1/2 inches long- 75%, 14.2 lbs- 20% (poor thing). She is so sweet. She LOVES to be outside, play in the water, and play with the dogs. She laughs hysterically at peek a boo, Little Einstein videos, and being surprised. She generally sleeps from about 9 pm until 6:30 in the morning (don't get too jealous, this was only a recent thing) she is extremely shy and will smile at people when they stop us in grocery stores, and then generally hide her face on my chest or on my shoulder. She cries or pouts when entering a room with large groups of people. She has her two bottom teeth all of the way in and she is breaking two more through. She loves music and will sing with us and try to dance as well. She is scooting on the carpet, not very far though, and she rolls all around like a rollie pollie. (p.s. I spelled rollie pollie 5 different ways just now before deciding on this spelling and I still think it's incorrect) She is such a mommy girl and we spend our mornings cuddling and reading together. She gets very excited when dad comes home from work. All around we couldn't imagine our life without this sweetie. Above are some pictures I took of her today. Notice she still has her blue eyes despite Scott and my brown ones. They are SOOO blue I think they are for sure staying!!


Dana J. said...

Where is the time going by??? 6 months already, that's crazy! Well, she is absolutely adorable & I'm so happy God blessed your lives with her!

Heather H. said...

Happy 6 months to Brinkley! Cute photos.

So I love Gavin DeGraw too..yesterday I was making some copies at work and all of a sudden it hit me, he "picked" you! Took me awhile...funny K...funny :)

I'm enjoying all these posts here at work...what a great idea to have a party with your friends from church!